Premature babies and how we can help them
Most premature babies are born without functional maturity in their
Karli was born with complex cerebral dysplasia / malformation
Karli from Switzerland was born with complex cerebral dysplasia /
Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrom: ein Tag im Leben von Benedikt
The story of Benedikt at the web site (the
Kinder mit Entwicklungs-verzögerungen fördern
Nie wieder lernt e in Mensch so viel in so
Pleasantly cradled – This Life Magazine
This Life Magazine – The Lifestyle Magazine for People with
The story of Loana Marti – article at “Toppharm” magazine
Luana is a 3 years old child from Switzerland who
Francesca Seegy – First-Step instructor – article at “”
Francesca Seegy, pharmacist and a mother of two boys, found out the First-Step method in 2009 and successfully used it with her own
Yann was born with “Emanuel”syndrome – “aktuell magazine” Switzerland
When Shai Silberbusch met Yann and his family for the first time
My career change – Interview at “Handelszeitung”
Francesca Seegy – a Pharmacist and mother of two children,
Gio, the boy who could not walk, now rides his bike to school
Gio, the boy who could not walk now rides to school by
Valentina was born with a Pitt-Hopkins rare syndrome
Valentina – a 3 years old todler was born with