Picture of First Step

First Step

Giovanni – Born October 2010, in Milan, Italy – Wolf-Hirschhorn

Giovanni was born with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, which presented in Giovanni as extensive developmental and language delays. When we first met him at the age of 2 and a half, he didn’t crawl or walk, he only shuffled on his bottom, and spoke very few words. He ate only soft food, and in very small amounts. Following several intensive processes, Giovanni started crawling, then walking, and today he is running on his own. He eats solid food, and in large amounts, speaks fluently, communicates very well, and attends nursery school with children of his age – and functions like a regular kid.

When we met First Step, our little boy was

2 and a half years old, hypotonic and not

even crawling. We put our trust in Shai and

the First Step people, their suggestions, and

their methods. In May 2012, we went to Israel

for the first time – and by September 2012

GioGio started walking. Now Giovanni is 4,

and almost running.

First Step was a life-changing experience for

him – and for us as parents too.”

Camilla and Lelio Prandi

lesson 8

lesson 7

lesson 6

lesson 4

lesson 3

lesson 2

lesson 1



How to play with children aged 6 to 9 months

Как играть с детьми в возрасте от 6-х до 9-ти месяцев