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Premature babies and how we can help them

Most premature babies are born without functional maturity in their nervous system and reflexes. In this situation of course there is no substitute for the human warmth and natural processes that occur in the womb. But with increasing physiological knowledge about events in the womb, we can suggest a substitute for those conditions outside the womb – […]

Karli was born with complex cerebral dysplasia / malformation

Karli from Switzerland was born with complex cerebral dysplasia / malformation.When he was 6 months the family started a therapeutic process with First Step method.Read the article about Karli and his family  https://www.kmsk.ch/Seltene-Krankheiten/Schicksale/2014/Karli.php

Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrom: ein Tag im Leben von Benedikt

The story of Benedikt at the familienleben.ch web site (the article is in German) Symptome des Wolf Hirschhorn Syndroms lindern mit der First Step Therapie Auf ihm hat er das Sitzen gelernt. Neben Physiotherapie, heilpädagogischer Früherziehung und Logopädie, die von der Invalidenversicherung übernommen werden, finanzieren ihm die Eltern die First Step Therapie. Sie wurde von […]

Kinder mit Entwicklungs-verzögerungen fördern

Nie wieder lernt e in Mensch so viel in so kurzer Zeit wie in seinen ersten Lebensmonaten. Diese Entwicklungsschritte prägen uns ein Leben lang. Wenn ein Kind gewisse Schritte wie Laufen oder Sprechen spät durchmacht, sind die Eltern meist verzweifelt und wissen oft nicht, an wen sie sich mit ihren Problemen wenden sollen. hiki_bulletin_2-20121

Pleasantly cradled – This Life Magazine

This Life Magazine – The Lifestyle Magazine for People with Children If there’s something shared by all parents, across the world, it’s their desirefor the newborn baby to develop correctly, to comply with the achievement tables and expectations, to roll over on time, to crawl in the right way, and to stand up at the […]

The story of Loana Marti – article at “Toppharm” magazine

Luana is a 3 years old child from Switzerland who suffers from a rare disease. In the TopPharm magazine, which distributed to pharmaciesin Switzerland in 500,000 copies, the family is sharing her experience using the First-Step Therapy .Thanks to the support of the KMSK association for children with rare diseases, the family arrived to a week […]

Francesca Seegy – First-Step instructor – article at “Swissmom.ch”

Francesca Seegy, pharmacist and a mother of two boys, found out the First-Step method in 2009 and successfully used it with her own children.Her experiences with this method were so convincing that she decided to become a First Step instructor and successfully completed the professional training course.Now Francesca offers Workshops in German, English or Italian in Kilchberg (ZH).read more at Swissmom.ch

Yann was born with “Emanuel”syndrome – “aktuell magazine” Switzerland

When Shai Silberbusch met Yann and his family for the first time at the age of 4.5 for assessment, it was difficult to make eye contact with him.Yann progressed as he sits on the bottom and rotates on its axis while moving his head of “no”. with the support of AEMO – the parents traveled to Tel Aviv for intensive […]

My career change – Interview at “Handelszeitung”

Francesca Seegy – a Pharmacist and mother of two children, discovered the First-Step Method. Her experiences were so convincing that she decided to do a career change and become a First Step instructor and established the First-Step Center in Kilchberg (Zurich, Switzerland) where she offers workshops and private sessions for babies development.  Read (in German) at: Handelszeitung […]

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How to play with children aged 6 to 9 months

Как играть с детьми в возрасте от 6-х до 9-ти месяцев